Who We are?
We are the Kenya Project arm of Able and Willing Organization based in Frederick, Maryland. Able & Willing International Educational Foundation (AWIEF) is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing schools and improving health and nutrition in areas of extreme poverty and need. The entirely volunteer staff coordinates physical construction of buildings and manages program development to ensure that schools and programs can ultimately govern and sustain themselves.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Kujenga Project?
The Kujenga Project addresses the need for every child to have the essential tools needed for them to succeed and become productive members of society. Those essential tools begin with the most basic fundamental needs: access to clean drinkable water and inclusive quality education. We believe that every child has the right to equal opportunities as others, regardless of the challenges they face. Special education gives children with learning disabilities the opportunity to get quality education in line with their unique needs. It also includes children without disabilities in the same classrooms to enable them to learn and interact with their peers, embracing them first as peers and secondly as differently-abled peers. These benefits everyone: all children, the local community as well as the global community.
What is the population of Bungoma County in Kenya?
According to the Kenya Government 2019 census, the county has a population of 1,670,570 persons with a density of 552 persons per square kilometer and an average household of 4.6 persons. Out of the total population, 858,389 are female, 812,146 male, and 35 intersex. Muanda Community is located in Sirisia Constituency. Sirisia has a population estimated at 102, 422 persons according to the Sirisia MP’s records: https://sirisiaconsituency.wordpress.com/about/
How much water is needed?
Our current water borehole is 100 M deep and caters to a community of more than 100 people. The neighboring communities do not have access to clean drinking water. When the school construction is completed, the demand for this water is more likely to quadruple, hence a need for another borehole in the foreseeable future.