Special Education
Introducing Special Education with a Bang!
Educating all children regardless of their differences is the cornerstone of inclusive education. Around the world, children are excluded from schools where they belong because of disability, race, language, religion, gender, and poverty.
Fundamentally, every child has the right to be supported by their parents and community to grow, learn, attend school and be accepted and included by teachers and peers alike.
An inclusive classroom, incorporates general education teachers and special education teachers working in sync to meet the individualized needs of students.
All students can benefit from inclusive classrooms. Research shows that inclusion is beneficial for all students and not just for those who get special education services. Students with special education needs (neurodivergent) who are in inclusive classes are less likely to miss school. They develop stronger skills in language and mathematics and are more likely to be employable and are likely to pursue education after high school. Neurotypical students benefit, as well. They learn tolerance and develop higher self-esteem and understand the meaning of diversity, and caring friendships.